Saturday, February 25, 2017

Daddy/Daughter Dance

I wanted to try and do the girls hair before the dance and take pictures but worked so late every night this week that I didn't time to practice. So instead of butchering their hear, my awesome oldest sister stepped in and did their hair up. Her methods required a curling iron which I do not own so luckily she brought her own.
My middle child at the dance with her hair all done up. I couldn't get a clear shot because ...well shes a little ball of energy

My oldest so excited for this night and her new hair

She didn't seem that excited getting it done though

This is us all dressed up. Don't I have the prettiest dates for the dance?

Here they are all dressed up too. Then we left to begin the night
The school surprised us with some snow cones which were great after sweating like crazy dancing around with someone all night who has 10 times more energy than you

Its moments like these that make me the happiest. Spending time with my babies is something Im always excited for. Before I know it they'll be grown up and won't have time for their daddy anymore... but you know what? If they can go out and stand on their own two feet without needing my help.. then I must have done one heck of a job raising them.

Thingamadoodle with a warm noodle

Still staying on track with my cook book I bought. The girls and I decided on Warm Noodle Salad this week. As usual I couldn't find all the ingredients so we had to make use of what we could find. I couldn't find baby corn anywhere so we just didn't add any. Also it asked for Chinese egg noodles... couldnt find them so we just grabbed other kinds of egg noodles.

here is the recipe from the book :

If the recipes is hard to read then let me know. I keep trying to make it more visible. I might have to end up typing it all out if this isn't good enough

Lately I might get one or two of my daughters helping and the one not helping ends up hypnotized by the TV. But today they all helped and we had fun. Overall the recipe was very simple and takes only a few minutes to make.

Here is our adventure:

My oldest carefully chopping up the cucumbers

the peanut butter sauce mixture is complete and waiting

The wonderful bean sprouts waiting for their turn... yummy

bubble bubble...My camera did some wacky thing and heat looks awesome!

Noodles and bean sprouts all cooked and waiting for the veggies to be ready...forgot to get a veggie pic... just imagine them boiling as well
All finished and ready for my babies to try it. Looks awesome!!!!!!!....(ill be patting myself on the back)

The end result looked awesome and I really didn't expect it to looks so nice on my first attempt. I guess that's what happens when we all pull together and help out.

Rating time!!
My girls rating: 3/3 at first didn't like how the sauce tasted. I tried it and you could really taste the vinegar. So I added more peanut butter and they loved it. My two youngest liked it even better after I added some butter to it. My youngest took along time to eat but she still ate... most of it.

My rating: I loved it. The taste was fantastic and I would have never thought of making a peanut butter mixture like that... I highly recommend it

My Dad's rating: He thought it was pretty good and had alittle more after he finished his small bowl. I think he just liked it because it had noodles 

One thing I love about my weekly cooking with my daughters is that with my work schedule it sometimes takes away from time with my kids. So these little cooking projects have been a great way for us to spend some uninterrupted time together. And that is way better than any recipe could ever be. I guess you could say that every time we cook... there is a little bit of love in each recipe. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Groupon Coupons

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine

#GrouponCoupons #ad

I've heard a lot about Groupon Coupons before , but I never really looked into it. Then I started hearing it more and more as I was trying to find ways to save money with my three growing girls.  When you have three kids who seems to grow like weeds... it's helpful to save some money and look like an awesome dad while doing it. So after hearing all the talk and seeing the ads I decided to investigate. 

Here is what I found:

At first I thought it was just a website to look for discount for certain events or maybe just discounts at restaurants or something. Then I learned real quick there was a lot more to it than that.  I started seeing discounts at clothing stores like American Eagle and Levi. I saw coupons for electronics stores like Best buy and Verizon. I also say discounts for Hotels, dating sites (don't judge me), and  stores like Target. 

After all that I was definitely impressed... but what sold me on the site was when I scrolling through 100s of stores and I saw Gamestop on there. As a huge nerd (Yeah, I said it!) and gamer, I clicked on it and saw that there are several great deals for my favorite game store. I instantly bookmarked that page .

I now know where to go when it gets to that time of the year for Birthdays and Christmas.

The best part is that I can do all the shopping online and get huge discounts. That comes in handy instead of having to wrangle three crazy kids at a store while I shop. Have you tried doing that? It's not an easy task. Especially my two youngest. They like to grab everything.

Although I haven't used it yet, I plan on using it a lot in the future. It will definitely come in handy for both my family life and my nerdy life.

If you haven't tried Groupon yet then I'll help you a little. Here are some social media pages to get more information about what they have to offer. Maybe even look into getting their help with taxes this season with a discount coupon for tax services

Fritter me this Batman

This weeks recipe was Sweet corn Fritters. It was chosen from my cook book I bought two weeks about that is full of recipes. We screwed up a little and ended up grabbing a can of creme corn instead of regular sweet corn,,, but when life give you lemons you make lemonade and when you accidentally buy creme corn you make... Sweet creme corn fritters? Sure, lets go with that.

The recipe was in a book so I will just post the recipe in the pictures.

Here was our adventure:

It can be hard to read. If someone wants a better picture then just comment on here or if you know me on other social media then message me on there

I didn't get a pic of my oldest doing the cutting but here are the onions she cut cooking on the stove
This is the onions, garlic, coriander, red pepper, and eggs all mixed up (the black stuff is some burnt onions...I never said I was good at this)
After Adding the flour and baking powder I started scooping the fritters onto the pan.

Here are the finished products. I didnt get a chance to take a pic of them while they were plated because I kept getting distracted....and hungry.

This wasn't my best work (cooking or blogging) but I also never claimed to be good at either. 

Rating time!!!
My girls: 3/3 loved it. Even with the mix up with creme corn they still enjoyed it. They also tried different condiments to see of anything would add to it. Looks like they are getting curious with cooking and food...I wonder where they got that from?
My Rating: I really thought they were yummy. Im definitely keeping that recipe
My dads rating: He said it was "Pretty good" if I remember his words right. And that translates to "I really liked them" ...or that's what I took it as.

Soon Ill be starting to add more than just cooking to this blog. My plan was to make this blog have to do with alot of different aspect of being a single father. I think this week ill try to practice doing some hair styles with my daughters. I want to be able to help them in several aspects of life and starting small with their hair might be helpful. I might practice with their hair before the Father/Daughter dance at their school. Wish me luck

If there is something you think I should try or have any advice then please leave it in the comments or email me at

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Pie double feature!!!

So last weekend my children and I made Key Lime pie. I wanted to post my blog about it but I still cant get pictures to work on my phone app. And Im still running around alot for work and for unpacking so I didnt have a chance. So todays blog will be a double feature. First the Key Lime Pie using this recipe: Key Lime goodness right here

I really enjoy making this because its delicious and very easy.

Here was that advenure:

Zest from the limes always makes the house smell so good

My two oldest mixing all the ingredients together
The Pie in the oven and then chilling waiting to be eaten at the Superbowl party

We had several people eat the pies (they didnt last long) and as far as I could tell they all really enjoyed them. So I think this will be my signature party dish for now on...its so good!!!

AS for the second recipe of this post, I found a really nice book at a dollar store that had alot of great recipes in it so of course I had to buy it. Out of all the recipes in the book my children wanted to try the Chicken Pie with Sweet Potato Topping. Ill be posting the recipe in the blog for everyone to see.

Here was our adventure:

The cutting of the Leek took awhile. From the moment we bought it my Oldest and I would making jokes such as "There's a leek in the cart" and "There's a leek in the car" and so on and so forth

Got the chicken, leek, and onions all cooked and put into the container

My oldest mashing up some sweet potatoes

Her younger sister wanted to help

About to hop in the oven

All done and it smells delicious

Its always fun sharing some time with my kids. I hope They never grow tired of our cooking days

Rating time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girls rating: They all thought it was ok. One liked the chicken the best, one liked the sweet potato topping the best, and one said she hated eat but ate it anyway

My rating: I thought it was yummy. I ate a couple bowls of it and I wouldnt mind making it again
My dads rating: He thought it was yummy as well but next time I should cut back on the sweet potato because it overpowered the chicken.

Has anyone tried any of these recipes I have posted? If so tell me what you think.