Sunday, April 2, 2017

Huevos Rancheros just sounds fancy

This week we decided to mix things up a little and do a recipe that seemed more breakfast like. This week we chose to make Huevos Rancheros. I'm not sure if that is a breakfast item but it has eggs so...close enough right?

This was definitely a unique experience for me for the fact that I had to learn to poach eggs to do this one. I love learning new things and so do my kids.

Here is our recipe:

As a beginner cook I had to use videos to help me learn to poach the eggs. It such a neat way to cook them and I never really looked into it before. My kids like the way it looks while cooking too.

Here is our adventure:

I couldn't find all the ingredients at my local store for the recipe so I substituted other things as we went along. Like different kinds of peppers and I used Sunflower oil instead of veggie oil.

Here is a pepper that we chose that wasnt too spicy so my kids could eat without their faces melting off

All the chopped up veggies (thanks to my oldests awesome skills)cooking on the stove

Poaching an egg for the first time

While things are cooking my children start placing tortillas on the plates

Here was one of my prettiest looking ones we made. Turned out great

Bonus photos!

My oldest wanted to poach an egg too so I taught her and supervised the process

adding the egg into the water

Overall it was a really neat recipe and I'm really excited to say I know how to poach eggs now haha. My oldest daughter is really into cooking and its really fun to not have to cook alone. And I cant help but think that this weekly cooking idea I had is doing a lot more for their future and mine than I originally thought.

Rating time!!!!
My girls rating: 2/3 of my girls ate them up and my oldest suggested maybe a little less cayenne pepper next time. My third daughter is being picky about her food so she didn't vote
My rating: I have to agree that we need to cut back on the cayenne next time but it was yummy!

So all in all this recipe was fun and a great learning experience for my children and I. It took me out of my comfort zone and taught us a new style of cooking eggs that we never knew before. This weekly cooking project keeps getting more and more fun and I can't wait until next week. 

AS for now I'm about to head out with my kids to have some fun. I'll see you for our next adventure

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