Monday, November 14, 2016

Bringing back my childhood

Most people when they think of their childhood and the foods they love, they think about normal everyday meals like hot dogs or spaghetti. But Im not most people. This weekend I wanted to share my childhood favorite that my mother used to make for me on my birthday every year (because I asked for it every year). I was afraid of making it because I didnt want to screw up a food that is near and dear to my heart.I had some more special guests with me this weekend and each one has their own tastes. I was eager to see the reaction to my recipe

The recipe is Haluski. Click here for recipe. It is a very simple recipe and although I didnt not use the recipe my mom used to use...I still got a delicious result that made me remember alot of great times I had with my mother growing up.
Cutting up the cabbage to prep while egg noodles are boiling

My little helper getting the cabbage to the perfect size

Mistakes were made and my cleaning crew was quick to react

cooking up the onions and cabbage 

adding cabbage and onions to noodles and then putting it in oven....ALMOST DONE!!!

Setting the table for me and my special guests

The finished product

This whole recipe was made with love and with a smile on my face. I could still see my mom making the food while singing along to her music on the stereo in the kitchen. This has been my favorite recipe to share with my kids so far. 

Kids rating: 5/5 ate every last bit and asked for seconds. Even pickiest of eaters were loving every bite
My rating: I loved this recipe from the very beginning. Tasting the result made a great deal of pride build up inside me. Its a simple recipe with an amazing outcome. 

1 comment:

  1. That's crazy because Jimmy and I were just talking about Haluska. I couldn't remember what it was called. I bought cabbage to make a german recipe for a review and had a punch left. He says "Why don't you make that dish that's like cabbage and dumplings or something"
