Sunday, November 20, 2016

BONUS!!: My first try at pie

So to get ready for the Thanksgiving holiday I decided that Id do my first attempt at pie and hope that it didnt go horribly wrong. Here is the recipe I used for my apple pie Click here for Pie Recipe

Then I realized that I didnt have the top crust for my pie so I googles how to make pie crust so my apple pie could be done right. Here is the recipe I found and used . Pie crust recipe

Im hoping the two crust recipes dont clash and make a disaster, but if they do then it will all be documented here for your laughing pleasure. If they turn out good then Ill be bringing one to my families Thanksgiving dinner. Wish me luck
My oldest and her friend peeling the apples

 Butter and sugar mixture ready to go

making the pie top crust. It came out better later on...not the best pic

apples all ready thanks to my helpers

topcrust placed...I wasnt confident enough to do the lattice style


final project

Looks yummy....tastes awesome. Im so glad it turned out good. My middle child almost ate half the pie by herself haha
Rating time!!!!
My girls rating: 3/3 and our guest loved it. They couldnt stop talking about it
My rating: Better than I imagined. Im so happy my first try came out so good

1 comment:

  1. I could give you mom's recipe for the pie crust when you come for Thanksgiving. That's the recipe I use.
