Sunday, November 27, 2016

Getting in the yummy christmas spirit

As a bonus this week we decided to make some yummy CornFlake Christmas wreaths. Here is the link

We wanted to make some special treat and this popped up and i couldnt resist. Here is our Adventure:

My corn flakes

scooping some butter

add the ymminess (thats totally a word...right?)


Adding the green

we used red sprinkles instead of cinnamon candies 

not perfet but still yummy

Fun (and messy) little adventure. The kids enjoyed it

Rating Time!!!!
Girls rating: 3/3 couldnt get enough of them...should have made more
My rating: chewing , messy, and delicious. Adding to holiday recipes

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Omelets aren't just whats for breakfast

My kids decided they wanted eggs for our dinner today. After looking around for awhile we decided (more like my kids decided) that the best choice was omelet. Keep in mind that none of them have had an omelet before. The recipe is called Baked Denver Omelet  Here is the link

We modified it for my picky eaters and didnt add onions. But we added yellow and red peppers because they wanted it to be pretty. Here is our adventure:
I added a couple more eggs into to make sure I had enough for our hungry bellies

My helper cutting up the peppers

Ready to mix

Peppers looking so pretty

almost mouth is watering already

finished product with some sour cream on top to look fancy and taste yummy

I also added some Mango hot sauce Ive been wanting to try... just because

Rating time!!!
My girls rating: 3/3 enjoyed it and came back for seconds. They added alittle more salt and pepper but overall they liked it
My rating: I really think it turned out great. I enjoyed making it with my girls and I will be adding it to recipe book

I hope you all try this out and enjoy it. I know I did.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

BONUS!!: My first try at pie

So to get ready for the Thanksgiving holiday I decided that Id do my first attempt at pie and hope that it didnt go horribly wrong. Here is the recipe I used for my apple pie Click here for Pie Recipe

Then I realized that I didnt have the top crust for my pie so I googles how to make pie crust so my apple pie could be done right. Here is the recipe I found and used . Pie crust recipe

Im hoping the two crust recipes dont clash and make a disaster, but if they do then it will all be documented here for your laughing pleasure. If they turn out good then Ill be bringing one to my families Thanksgiving dinner. Wish me luck
My oldest and her friend peeling the apples

 Butter and sugar mixture ready to go

making the pie top crust. It came out better later on...not the best pic

apples all ready thanks to my helpers

topcrust placed...I wasnt confident enough to do the lattice style


final project

Looks yummy....tastes awesome. Im so glad it turned out good. My middle child almost ate half the pie by herself haha
Rating time!!!!
My girls rating: 3/3 and our guest loved it. They couldnt stop talking about it
My rating: Better than I imagined. Im so happy my first try came out so good

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Is this pizza or art?

This week we decided on another pizza. It was too good to pass up but we chose a BBQ Chicken pizza. Click here for Pizza recipe

We didnt add onions because none of us wanted onions on our pizza today haha. It was a very simple recipe (almost too simple) but we felt like cooking and having pizza here you have it.
My pizzas origin story

My little helper adding BBQ sauce

A sprinkle of cheese...and then the rest of the bag

What is Chicken pizza without I right?

My goofball making faces and cutting up peppers

red peppers added

Now tag teaming the green peppers

almost there...I cant wait

Its a work of art 

I can almost taste it

All done. No holding back now

It was a journey from a plain crust to a masterpiece. But it was worth it... (insert dramatic music)

Now rating time:
My girls rating: 3/3 Said "Mmmmm" but couldnt get another word in because they were stuffing their faces so I take that as a good thing
My rating: a definite recipe for the cookbook. Its extremely simple and even more delicious. The hardest part is waiting for it to cook before eating it haha

Monday, November 14, 2016

Bringing back my childhood

Most people when they think of their childhood and the foods they love, they think about normal everyday meals like hot dogs or spaghetti. But Im not most people. This weekend I wanted to share my childhood favorite that my mother used to make for me on my birthday every year (because I asked for it every year). I was afraid of making it because I didnt want to screw up a food that is near and dear to my heart.I had some more special guests with me this weekend and each one has their own tastes. I was eager to see the reaction to my recipe

The recipe is Haluski. Click here for recipe. It is a very simple recipe and although I didnt not use the recipe my mom used to use...I still got a delicious result that made me remember alot of great times I had with my mother growing up.
Cutting up the cabbage to prep while egg noodles are boiling

My little helper getting the cabbage to the perfect size

Mistakes were made and my cleaning crew was quick to react

cooking up the onions and cabbage 

adding cabbage and onions to noodles and then putting it in oven....ALMOST DONE!!!

Setting the table for me and my special guests

The finished product

This whole recipe was made with love and with a smile on my face. I could still see my mom making the food while singing along to her music on the stereo in the kitchen. This has been my favorite recipe to share with my kids so far. 

Kids rating: 5/5 ate every last bit and asked for seconds. Even pickiest of eaters were loving every bite
My rating: I loved this recipe from the very beginning. Tasting the result made a great deal of pride build up inside me. Its a simple recipe with an amazing outcome. 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Pizza...because what is a better title than that?

Hello All. This weekends recipe was a veggie pizza. The recipe we chose wasnt an ordinary pizza. It had some delicious twists to normal pizza recipes. Also I had some special guests over my house this weekend to help. One of them required special ingredients because of allergy issues but the pizza still came out fantastic. One guest asked if we could make one pizza differently and we did and it came out great. the alternate recipe was just using the same crust but putting pizza sauce and cheese on it before putting it in the oven

changes to ingredients were to substitute lactose free items....they were yummy 

My little helper adding ingredients to mix together

Let the stirring begin

Some of my special guests jumped in

Yummy veggies waiting their turn

putting the crust in the oven

We decided to make one of the pizzas differently creating our own recipe. One of my special guests adds her addition

spread on the cream cheese spread and added veggies

more veggie topping

alternate recipe looks sooooo good

Finished pizza with alt recipe

finished veggie pizza

Kids input: :Overall their various tastes agreed that the pizzas were yummy but some preferred the cheese pizza over the veggie pizza
My rating: Both pizzas were delicious and there was nothing left after dinner was complete. Definitely adding the recipe and the alternate recipe to my book