Saturday, December 17, 2016

Tofu....yes really tofu

So last week while shopping for the recipe for that week, I came across the "organic " aisle in the supermarket. Walking through there I noticed a whole section of Tofu and I thought "Maybe next week?" So I bought every man my age would do when coming across Tofu...right?

Anyway so this week I easily convinced my children to make a tofu recipe with me to try it out. This is how i know that my cooking adventure with them has done alot for us. They never would have agreed to try tofu before we started cooking together. I guess the whole experience must have made them more open to try new things....NEAT!!!

The recipe we decided on was called "Sloppy Tofu"....if you havent guessed it yet that means its sloppy joe made from tofu. Check it out for yourself right here

Here is our adventure:
Never in a million years would I ever think this would be part of a it is

My oldest chopping things up...shes getting good with the knife. I dont know if I should be proud or scared

Tofu baking time!

Onions to pan ...

then the green peppers joined the party

Then just adding in everything else in no particular order

almost done

I couldnt wait to take a bite before the pic...whoops

added broccoli with cheese too..yummy

With this adventure I learned alot. I didnt think that combining those weird mix of ingredients would turn out so good. And I learned that thanks to this cooking adventure we do each week, we have learned to try new things without being afraid of what might taste like.

Rating time!!!
My girls rating: 2/3 thought it was yummy and wanted seconds. My oldest said it was "Ok...but not great."
My rating: I really enjoyed cooking with something new and interesting. And it tastes fantastic to me. Im adding it to the recipe book.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

So cold outside....need alittle warm up

This week I was going to do a more complex recipe but my oldest daughter demanded that we make some veggie soup so here it is. Here is the link to the recipe she chose. Clickie Clickie

Cant really complain about making some home made veggie soup on a cold windy day. Something about soup just makes the day better.

The recipe isnt tough but its yummy. Here is our adventure:

My oldest chopping celery

My middle child adding in the broth

My oldest and her bestie peeling potatoes

More peeling

choppy time

Finished product

Although it is an extremely easy recipe, it smelled fantastic and made our mouths water while making it.
Rating time: 
My girls rating (and guest): 4/4 thought it was yummy!
My rating: I really think its yummy. Ill add it to my recipe book for those cold winter days

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Warm up with a classic

While trying to find a good recipe to make this weekend, I had a chill run down my spine listening to the wind blow outside. First thought to come to mind was "I could use some soup". So we decided that a classic chicken noodle soup would be perfect. Click here for the recipe

Here is our adventure:
My oldest cuts up the carrots

Her best friend came over to help and cut the celery

onions and celery to start the process

adding the chicken

now is carrot time

and of course you need noodles

bubble bubble 

dance off while we wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

random picture I took of my dog....because....I can

Finished product...yummy time!!!

It wasnt a hard recipe and I think its time I need to start stepping up the challenge alittle bit. But I really wanted some soup haha

Rating time!:
My girls ratiing (plus one): 2/4 said it was yummy and wanted more. the other two said "Its ok" So Im saving the recipe because that counts as a pass in my book
My rating: I liked it and it definitely was a great choice for a cold day.