Saturday, June 17, 2017

Curried Bananas bring families together

This weekends choice came about alittle differently. It involved the decision of one of my sisters and the approval of her little tiny baby daughter... It makes sense if you were there.

Anyway, this weeks recipe is Calypso rice with curried bananas

Here is the recipe:

The only part I didn't follow this time was getting the coriander for garnish

I had special guest taste testers today with my Sister, brother in law, and niece here to enjoy my slowly improving culinary skills.

Here is out adventure:

My oldest chopped away at the red peppers, mild red peppers, onions, and bananas

I sauted the onions while my oldest was dicing up everything else

I kept forgetting to take pictures but after the onions were done I added the garlic and peppers and cooked them for a bit. Then I added the cooked veggies to a pot with rice and then I added the veggie stock. While that simmered down I moved on to the Bananas

My middle child added the bananas to a pan with sunflower oil

Then I added the coconut milk and curry paste mixture to them. I reduced the heat and mixed things up

The rice soaked up the stock and after about 15 mins the rice was ready

I completely forgot to  take a finished product picture because we were all so excited to try it that  we just dug in.
This is what is was supposed to look like. Mine wasn't that nice looking but it didn't look bad

It was definitely a new type of food I'm not used to and was something new to my taste buds as well. I love trying out these new recipes and opening up my palette to different tastes

I also thing its a great experience for my kids to get them out of their comfort zone and see the possibilities that are out there. 

When I started this project I wanted to be able to teach myself to cook and teach my daughters as well. I didn't want them growing up to only be able to survive off of food from drive thrus and instant noodles. Every time we cook my oldest gets more and more involved and I can tell she really takes a liking to it. 

It warms my heart to know that I'm making an impact on my girls that will really help them in the future. 

I can only hope that the things I do stick with them as they grow up and start families of their own.

Rating time!!

My girls: 3/3 enjoyed it. My oldest ate all of her bananas and some of her sisters. My middle child didn't like the bananas but really liked the rice. My youngest ate her food and didn't say much haha
Mine: I liked everything about this recipe including cooking it. It made the house smell amazing and tasted so good
My dad: He said its not usually food he goes for but it was really good
My sister: She really really liked it and was probably the most excited when it was done hahaha
My niece (the one that is old enough to eat it): she didn't really seem to like it but she at least tried it and that is all I can ask of anyone when I cook
My bro-in-law: Didn't really say anything but he ate a second helping of rice so I'll take that as a compliment

Someone send me a recipe to try and we will try our best!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you start with just a little blurb and then get right to the recipe. It drives me crazy when I click a link for a recipe I'm interested in and have to read through a whole bunch of fluff before they actually give you the recipe.

    Also, I think this meal was delicious! The curried bananas were candy sweet and the calypso rice was lemony goodness!
